第一条:it’s as easy to do something big as it is to do something small, so reach for a fantasy worthy of your pursuit, with rewards commensurate to your effort.(做大事和做小事的难易程度是一样的。所以要选择一个值得追求的宏伟目标,让回报与你的努力相匹配。)
第二条:the best executives are made, not born. they never stop learning. study the people and organizations in your life that have had enormous ess. they offer a free course from the real world to help you improve.(最优秀的高管不是天生的,而是后天磨砺的结果,他们好学不倦,永无止境。要善于研究你生活中取得巨大成功的人和组织,他们能够提供关于如何在现实世界获得成功的免费教程,可以帮助你进行自我提升。)
第三条:there is nothing more interesting to people than their own problems. think about what others are dealing with, and try to come up with ideas to help them. almost anyone, however senior or important, is receptive to new ideas provided they are thoughtful.(人们总觉得最有意思的话题就是与自己相关的话题,所以,要善于分析他人的问题所在,并尝试提出办法来帮助他人,几乎所有的人,无论他声名多么显赫、地位多么高贵,都愿意接受新的想法,当然,前提是这些想法必须经过深思熟虑。)
叶枫记住了最后一条:never deviate from your sense of right and wrong. your integrity must be unquestionable. it is easy to do what's right when you don't have to write a check or suffer any consequences. it's harder when you have to give something up. always do what you say you will, and never mislead anyone for your own advantage.(永远要黑白分明、百折不回,你的诚信必须要毋庸置疑,当一个人不需要付出代价或承担后果的时候,坚持做正确的事情并非难事,但当必须得放弃一些东西时,你就很难保持信用记录,要始终言而有信,不要为了自己的利益误导任何人。)